Please Choose Your Course Below to Continue

M$B - Just the Facts


  • Modules 1-4

  • Total of 5 Classes

  • Access to Some Tools and Resources to help you start

  • Get setup in 1 Week or less

M$B - Basics Course


  • Access to 5 Additional Classes

  • Total of 10 Classes

  • Access More Tools and Resources

  • Better Access for Questions

  • Certification as a Basics Broker

M$B - Masters Course


  • Access 4 More Classes

  • Total of 14 Classes

  • Access All Tools and Resources

  • Direct Access for Questions

  • Certification as a Masters Broker

Thank you for your interest in joining our training program. Check out what others had to say about making the same decision.

Last year was hard on so many.

Too many good people found out the hard way that working for someone else means giving up their financial security to be able to work and earn a living if they can be sent packing with no notice. If you found yourself in this scenario, I’m truly sorry to hear it but the future is not bleak.

Our training program will prepare you for a new career in the finance industry that has been going solid since the Bible was written. Factoring Business Brokers work in every country in the world. We make our own hours and our own decisions.

When you enroll in our program today, you are making the decision to say nobody will ever have the right to tell you how, when, or what you are allowed to be paid for your work.

It’s time to take your life to the next level as a Factoring Business Broker!

Take up the challenge to live life on your own terms as our other students and Grads have done before you. Factoring Business Brokers routinely earn between $10k-$20K per deal made, and we want you to be one of us.

*Note that student images are not the images of actual students, and names have been abbreviated to protect student identities