"Stop Thinking and Just Do It"

Breaking Free and Living Your Dream Life Now

by: Chris Miller

Have you ever said to yourself that you wanted to do something, but immediately came up with reason after reason for why you couldn't do it just then? Maybe you didn't have the time in your schedule, or you were just too busy in general. Perhaps you just knew it was going to cost you a fortune to do it, and you didn't have the money you needed to get it done. Maybe there were too many distractions in your way to keep you focused on your goal.

Whatever your reasons were, I'm sure they were valid. What if you could have done that one thing differently, however? How would your life be changed today? How would you, or others for that matter, have benefitted, from your accomplishment? Time is not on our side in life, and moments need to be seized when they come. Opportunities need to be charged down, not simply reached for. We can all do it, but often times people lose sight of that and allow things to get in the way and stop them from living their dream life. That's what my new book, Stop Thinking and Just Do It, is designed to help you figure out. You can accomplish amazing things in this world, no matter who you are or where you come from, when you Stop Thinking and Just Do It!

Watch the video below to hear a brief reading from my new book!

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